Internal Control
The purpose of internal control is to guarantee that operations of Kotipizza Group are effective and fruitful, control of identified risks sufficient and appropriate and published information reliable. Also compliance with determined operational principles and given guidelines is followed with the help of internal control.
Internal control of Kotipizza Group is based on the Limited Liability Companies Act, Securities Markets Act, Articles of Association as well as on the internal operational principles of the company. The management and control of the company are divided between the General Meeting, Board of Directors and CEO. By internal control is meant all such activities, systems and methods by the help of which the management aims to secure effective, economical and reliable operations.
The Board of Directors of Kotipizza Group has the responsibility of arranging internal control, risk management and principles for internal auditing.
The CEO of Kotipizza Group is responsible for the strategy of the company and compliance with it as well as required investments. The CEO is also obliged to see that the accounts of the company are in compliance with the law and that its financial affairs
have been arranged in a reliable manner. The upper management of the company is responsible for internal control. External auditing is taken care of by auditors and internal auditing by an outsourced service provider.