General Meeting of Shareholders


Kotipizza Group extraodinary general meeting minutes 12.2.2019
Kotipizza Group Resolutions of Extraordinary General Meeting 13.2.2019
Kotipizza Group Oyj Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

Documents of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Kotipizza Group Oyj Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Kotipizza Group Oyj Proposed Members of the Board of Directors
Kotipizza Group Oyj Proposals of the Board of Directors to the Extraordinary General Meeting
Kotipizza Group Oyj Shareholder’s Proposals to the Extraordinary General Meeting
Kotipizza Group Oyj Privacy Notice


information on annual general meetings in kotipizza group

Shareholders use their power of decision in the general meeting of the shareholders.

The general meeting of shareholders of Kotipizza Group Oyj shall be held within six (6) months after the financial year has ended. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders shall be held when the Board of Directors considers it necessary or when the law so requires. The Board of Directors convenes the meeting and decides on the date and place of the meeting.

A notice of general meeting shall be given to shareholders earliest three (3) months and latest three (3) weeks before the date of the meeting, however, latest nine (9) days before the general meeting record date. A notice shall be given to shareholders by publishing it on the web site of Kotipizza Group Oyj or at least in one national newspaper chosen by the Board of Directors.

In order to participate in the general meeting a shareholder shall report him-/herself to the company latest on the date mentioned in the notice which may be at earliest ten (10) days before the meeting.

The managing director, chairman of the Board of Directors and from time to time sufficient amount of other members of the Board of Directors shall participate in the general meeting. Also the auditor of Kotipizza Group Oyj shall attend the meeting.

The notice of meeting shall contain a proposal for the agenda of the meeting. Matters which shall be decided regularly are itemized in the articles of Kotipizza Group Oyj.

Adequate information shall be placed available for the shareholders already before general meeting. At least three (3) weeks before general meeting a notice of general meeting, documents to be presented for general meeting and draft resolutions shall be available on the web site of Kotipizza Group Oyj.

A shareholder shall have the right to have a matter falling within the competence of the general meeting dealt with by the general meeting, if the shareholder so demands in writing from the Board of Directors well in advance of the meeting, so that the matter can be mentioned in the notice. A separate date for the aforesaid demand shall be announced on the web site of Kotipizza Group Oyj for each general meeting.

Within two (2) week after general meeting minutes of the meeting as well as voting results and attachments which are part of the decision of the general meeting shall be placed on the web site of Kotipizza Group Oyj. Documents related to general meeting shall be available on the web site at least three (3) months.